Diversity in our cultures is not about how we differ, but rather about embracing our uniqueness and shining in it.

The wealth of African culture is my pride. It has economic activities like hunting, sheepherding, animal herding, and farming. These amazing activities have boosted our continent’s economy. This disapproves of the infamous statement that “all black people are poor”.

People from all over the world have migrated to Africa and settled for years because of our hospitable culture.

African cultures have strong moral considerations. There are values that guide the behavior of every member like hospitality, good character, hard work, respect for the aged, honesty, and chastity. These have shaped our behaviors.  

Someone once said, “the value of a thing is normally defined as its worth”. Our beliefs about what is right or wrong that are being held are equally treasured. The customs and traditions of each group in our culture have been woven into a tapestry as colorful and diverse as the people of Africa themselves.

My cultural name is my pride. It has an inspirational meaning and I believe too I will have meaning in my life. People are highly united in my culture. Our unity is demonstrated from where we all work together for a common goal, share the same beliefs and values, and everyone works equally for the success of the group. In reality, humans are more important in our lives than money. Besides, there are strong family ties and deep connections among communities.

African cultures through agriculture have got a variety of food types like fruits, grain, vegetables, milk, and meat products. We have never lacked food on our continent because we are hardworking and grow our own food. This is the source of my pride.

African art is my pride. Art includes sculpture, weaving, painting, and pottery among others. This has made our culture very unique and amazing. It has attracted many foreigners to come to our land to tour our art.

There is togetherness in my culture, and this has made me have a sense of belonging. One scholar once said, “the black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness.” This is reflected and illuminated through our rich culture.Have you ever imagined that African culture is this beautiful and amazing!? My culture is my pride and nobody will ever take it away from me.

Written By:

Ayinembabazi Joan


Edited By:

Tim Asibuo

Denis Wakigiri