Change is inevitable and should be accepted, therefore in case of any change be its human development, economic, social, or health, one should recognize and accept that change to attain a stress-free life.

Ayinembabazi Joan.

Stress is one of the most escalating issues that is affecting the normal functioning of people today in areas of work, families, and relationships, in other words, it threatens people’s well-being. Remember stress can become chronic if not managed well.

It results from different life transitions such as unhealthy lifestyles, serious illnesses, financial pressure, toxic relationships, conflicts at work, the death of close people, and overwhelming responsibilities.

I have seen many people struggling with stress and stress-related health problems, some have tried to reduce it but instead, just worsened the situation through abusing drugs and alcohol.

One may ask how best to reduce and manage stress, here are some of the tips;

Take good care of your body each day by having enough sleep, taking a healthy diet, exercise regularly to improve brain function, maintain a healthy weight, enhance the immune system and normal heart function.

Identify the different triggers of stress in your life and always try your best to eliminate them.

Always take the responsibilities you can afford rather than taking too much and end up developing stress disorder when things fail to come the way you wanted them to. It has come to my observation that most people develop stress due to too many responsibilities they assign to themselves be it work or family responsibilities.

Find time to rest your mind by having enough sleep, you can play music of your interest, practice mindful meditation, soak in a warm bath. This can help you have a clean and stress-free mind

Connect with others, some people spend most of their time working and thinking about how best to be effective at work and end up failing to find time to connect with others yet through social interactions one can learn different stress managing techniques, connecting with people gives happiness and makes you calm through sharing experiences and having happy moments with the lovelies. This can help you manage stress.

Change is inevitable and should be accepted, therefore in case of any change be its human development, economic, social, or health, one should recognize and accept that change to attain a stress-free life.

In life, we all yearn to be successful and to gain the best out of our effort and performances, but when things don’t come up as per our expectations, we are prone to develop stress disorders, therefore, avoid expecting too much from something or someone if at all you want to avoid stress.

Have positive self talk, speak positively about your life this will help you gain confidence in yourself and have self-esteem and have a positive mind thus being able to manage stress.

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