Human beings are interestingly weird. Different people go through different experiences and these shape them in a way that they will never be the same again. Every day is a chance to experience something new and depending on the way we want to see it, it will shape us that we will never go back into a state we were once in before.

Different experiences open our eyes and we will never be able to close them and act like we never once opened them before. Sometimes we do not have control over what we face in life, but at least we have the control to choose how we take it.

These experiences, depending on our previous experiences and how they have transformed us, keep getting us shaped and changed that we will never be like any other person.

What’s interesting is that even if people face the same situations, they will still not be the same afterwards. They will also not experience it in the same way because well, they have independent minds and other experiences that are different from everyone and they put them in a position different from everyone else.

Because of this, sometimes it’s better not to try to direct anyone’s life in a way that you see best because people always have reasons as to why they are doing what they are doing. Of course, counsel and guidance may be exceptional but do not take it personal when people do not give in to your advice or counsel. Sometimes just leave people to live life at their own pace and they will learn their lessons. Sometimes it’s better to let people learn from their own experiences rather than throat-forcing your experiences on them.

The same applies when we people try to control and live your life for you. You are you and it’s always best to get the advice from people then listen to yourself first before taking any step in any given direction. Try to hear yourself first, what do you want and what do you need. Because you are you and you are the one with the right to decide what you see best for your life.

If you make mistakes, it’s okay. That experience is still good for you because whether the experience was good or bad, you will always learn from it. Learning is something inevitable in this life. Learn as much as you can and do not be afraid to learn from your mistakes.

Be careful with people who seem as if they are guiding you but they are just seeing themselves in you and they want to correct their mistakes through you. Even if that moment in life seems the same as theirs, it still doesn’t mean that they are the same. Your previous experiences are the ones that make a difference.

They say there is nothing new under the sun, but how come we do not experience those same old things the same way? It’s because the way we experience whatever happened, who we are, and how we perceive whatever happened, changes everything.

These experiences may be heartbreaks, disappointments, losses, traumas, name it. They make us different and they make us who we are. They bring different emotions in us and they change our lives that we will never be the same, but they teach us unique lessons. So we might as well treasure them because they will guide us in our lives making our lives uniquely beautiful in the end.

So, what are those life experiences that changed you? What did you learn from them? How valuable are the lessons to you?