There is always a debate as to whether people should indulge in sex before or after marriage. Some think before is better since you get to know earlier on before committing if you would like to spend your entire life with that person or not. Others view sex as a holy thing that should be done after saying the vows.

Whether sex should be had before or after marriage is not the topic of the day. People have different perceptions in life and when it comes to sex and marriage it shouldn’t be exceptional. We cannot have one size fits all.

In countries that are too religious or rather strict, mostly women are told to cover all parts of their bodies so that they remain pure and also not to go around attracting men. Men, on the other hand, can wear whatever short things they want and it’s not a problem because women ain’t considered to be that highly sexual.

Some women cover everything till only their eyes can show, they can’t even show off any flesh, even their hands, they wear gloves. Others are not that strict but they make sure that their body is kept a mystery. All this is done to make sure that men cannot be easily aroused.

Now, what do you think happens when these men see half of your arm? What do you think may happen if they see your legs exposed, even if you’re wearing something below the knees? They will lose it! They will go crazy!

We may think that this is extreme, but the same has been said about sex. Some people because they are getting old and they have never had sex, just look for anyone to marry. It doesn’t matter if they’re compatible or not.

Others choose partners with great body features, big muscles, big hips and some can even measure your genitals just by looking at your hands, feet even nose. This is all because of sex!

Sex is just an activity done mostly for procreation. For some it is now the source of pleasure, a way to relieve stress, to get to know each other intimately, it differs. But one thing for sure is that it is not the beginning or end of any human relationship. Sex is not everything to a marriage or relationship, it is just one piece of the puzzle.

The main idea is not to encourage sex before or even after marriage. It is just to clarify that yes, it is part of our life, but it is not our entire life. With religion and culture making it all sacred and something not to be discussed, it makes people want to do it more. Just like how sacred any women’s flesh is in other cultures, the same is for sex, and when people get a chance to try it, they go crazy.

People are now in wrong marriages and relationships because they were focused on having sex. Now after sex what’s next? That’s when they will start realizing that they don’t even like anything about the person they married except that they can have sex with them now legally.

Let us focus on other important aspects of our relationships before committing to anything. There is more to a person other than sex. Things like a person’s personality, attitudes, mentality, spirituality, the list goes on. Divorce can help sometimes, but it’s not always ideal. This will save you the headache that comes after sex.